How do I go about telling my girlfriend?

Consider the Basic Technique as a gift you can give to others.  Some may not welcome the information.  Others, however, may love the gift.  You may not know how the gift will be received in advance. In any case, you might say, “I have learned about...

Why the G-spot? Why not the A-spot?

The interior of our vaginas have several erogenous zones.  The G-spot or zone is the most well-known.  The A-spot is one of the other spots or zones in the vagina’s interior.  Here is an article on the A-spot:...

How do phases work for the Basic Technique?

Specifically, aren’t the elements of the first phase also used in the second phase? Yes, the first phase elements carry over into the second phase. The first phase covers the time up to and including your first orgasm.  The second phase covers the time up to and...